
Culture of Life, Culture of Death; and the Family

Culture of Life, Culture of Death; and the Family: Conference at the Catholic University of America, Dec. 2004 [1]

Bear with me if I start with some ideas which may not seem very much to the point of our topic, but which are in fact.
On Easter Day 1999, John Paul II dedicated a Letter to Artists; "to all who are passionately dedicated to the search for new epiphanies of beauty so that through their creative work as artists they may offer these as gifts to the world".
I don't know how grateful the world is for the gifts modern artists are making to it [2]; and I am not sure how much most modern artists look on their works as "epiphanies of beauty", as revelations of something marvelous to be found behind the appearances of things.

Annulments: the good of the spouses, the family and the Church (New York Lecture, 1999. Linacre Quarterly, 2000)

            As my title suggests, I propose to look at several aspects connected with the topic of annulments, none of which has to do directly with canonical procedures. But a prior word may not be out of place on two questions that I am at times asked. One is, if I am in favor or against annulments? Perhaps a somewhat naive question, since naturally I am in favor; very strongly so, when a proper judicial process shows that a declaration of nullity corresponds to the facts. Then one is dealing with a matter of justice, of the upholding of ecclesial rights.

Les Enfants, Richesse du Mariage (Le Laurier, Paris, 1993)

            [Les biens, les valeurs du mariage sont ainsi énoncées par L'Église: la fidélité, l'indissolubilité et les enfants. La conscience qu'il s'agit de biens désirables, qu'il est naturel de vouloir, s'est assez obscurcie aujourd'hui. Mgr Burke, auditeur du Tribunal de la Rote à Rome, a eu l'ingénieuse idée de rappeler qu'il s'agit réellement de biens, de bonnes choses, qu'il est naturel de vouloir et qu'il serait anormal d'exclure.]


El matrimonio: grandeza humana y vocación sobrenatural [1]

[en: Un Amor siempre joven: Enseñanzas de San Josemaría Escrivá sobre la familia (Ed. A. Méndiz y J.A. Brage), Palabra, Madrid, 2003, pp. 113-125]

1. Introducción

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