Curriculum Vitae: Monsignor Cormac Burke: 21st March 1927 to 22nd November 2021 (Requiescat In Pace)
A Professor of Modern Languages and Doctor in Canon Law, as well as a civil lawyer and member of the Irish Bar, Cormac Burke was ordained a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature in 1955. After thirty years of pastoral and teaching work in Europe, North America and Africa, Pope John Paul II appointed him a Judge of the Roman Rota, the High Court of the Church. During his 13 years in Rome, he also taught Anthropology at the "Studium Rotale", as well as Canon Law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. In 1995 he was Visiting Professor of the Willie Onclin Chair at the Catholic University of Louvain.
The National Federation of Catholic Physicians of the United States accorded him the 1994 Linacre Award for his writings in the field of marriage and sexual ethics.
Among his best known books are: Man and Values (Scepter, 2007), The Lawless People of God? (Scepter, 2nd Edition, 2009) and Covenanted Happiness (Scepter, 4th Edition, 2015). His works have been translated into many languages.
In 1999, after retirement from the Rota, he returned to Africa where he taught, wrote and lectured at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Partial list of Publications
Authority and Freedom in the Church, Ignatius Press, 1988
The Lawless People of God?, Scepter, 2009
Conscience and Freedom, Sinag-Tala, Manila, 1992 (2nd Edition)
Covenanted Happiness: Love and Commitment in Marriage, Ignatius Press, 1990; Scepter, 3rd Edition, 2009; 4th Revised Edition, 2015
Autoridad y Libertad en la Iglesia, Rialp, Madrid, 1988
Autorità e Libertà nella Chiesa, Ares, Milan, 1989
Felicidad y Entrega en el Matrimonio, Rialp, Madrid, 1990
La Felicità Coniugale, Ares, Milan, 2004 (Quarta edizione)
L'Oggetto del Consenso Matrimoniale: un'analisi personalistica, Giappichelli, Turin, 1997
Man and Values; a Personalist Anthropology, Scepter Publishers, 2007
The Theology of Marriage: Personalism, Doctrine, and Canon Law, Catholic University of America Press, 2015
"Marriage, Annulment, and the Quest for Lasting Commitment" Catholic World Report, Jan. 1996, pp. 54-61
"Marriage Annulments and Married Personalism": Catholic Dossier, vol. 5, no. 1: 1999, pp. 18-24
"Annulments: the good of the spouses, of the family, and of the Church" (Linacre Quarterly, 2000) []
"Annullamenti Matrimoniali e Personalismo Coniugale" Studi Cattolici, 458/59 (aprile/maggio 1999), 244-251
The "bona" of marriage
"The Bonum Coniugum and the Bonum Prolis; Ends or Properties of Marriage?": The Jurist 49 (1989), 704-713.
"Il «Bonum Coniugum» e il «Bonum Prolis»: fini o proprietà del matrimonio?": Apollinaris LXII (1990), 559-570
"El «bonum prolis» y el «bonum coniugum»: ¿fines o propiedades del matrimonio?": Ius Canonicum 29 (1989), 711-722
"The Content of the «Bonum Fidei»": The Jurist 51 (1991):1, 138-154
"Il contenuto del «Bonum Fidei»", Apollinaris LXIV (1991), 649-666.
"Matrimonial Consent and the «Bonum Prolis»": Monitor Ecclesiasticus 114 (1989-III), 397-404.
"Personalism and the traditional goods of marriage": Apollinaris, 70 (1997) 305-314
"Procreativity and the Conjugal Self-Gift": Studia canonica 24 (1990), 43-49.
"Personalism and the bona of Marriage": Studia canonica 27 (1993), 401-412
"More on the 'good of the spouses'" Newsletter, Canon Law Society of GB & Ireland, January 1998
"Still More on the 'good of the spouses'": Newsletter, Canon Law Society of GB & Ireland, Sept 1998, pp. 55-59
"Freedom and Magisterium": Osservatore Romano (Engl. Ed.), Jan. 27, 1977
- in Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine (OSV, 1997), some 20 entries on ecclesiological themes.
"Una dimensión de la vida de Mons. Escrivá: el amor a la Iglesia y al Papa" (Scripta Theologica, 1978)
"Conscience and Truth": Osservatore Romano (Engl. Ed.), June 10, 1976
Consensual incapacity and canon 1095
"Some reflections on canon 1095": Monitor Ecclesiasticus 117 (1992-I), 133-150.
"The Distinction between 2º and 3º of Canon 1095": The Jurist 54 (1994):1, 228-233.
"Reflexiones en torno al Canon 1095": AA.VV. Incapacidad Consensual para las Obligaciones Matrimoniales, EUNSA, 1991, pp. 155-180
"Reflexiones en torno al Canon 1095": Angelicum 49 (1992), 493-517
"Riflessioni sul Canone 1095": Il Diritto Ecclesiastico 1991 (2-3), 406-427
"Marriage and Contraception": Osservatore Romano (English Ed.), Oct. 10, 1988
"Inseparabilidad de los aspectos unitivo y procreativo del matrimonio": Scripta Theologica, 21 (1989), pp. 197-209
"La Vérité de l'Amour Matrimonial et la Contraception": Angelicum, LXXI (1994), pp. 259-273
"Marriage: A Divine Aventure - Building a family on the foundations of heritage, humanity and home": Faith, vol. 46-4 (2014), pp. 8-10
"Love and the Family in today's World": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 1995, pp. 20-29
"Love, Family and Society"; Linacre Quarterly, vol. 62 (1995), pp. 47-57
"Amore, Famiglia, Società: una questione di sopravvivenza" Studi Cattolici, 404 (1994), 611-619
"Children & Values": International Review, 12 (1988) XII, 181-192
"Il Bene della prole": Studi Cattolici, 341/2 (1989), 505-510
"Family Planning and Married Fulfillment": International Review, 13 (1989), 189-196
"Family Planning and Vocations" ibid., 197-
"Developing Families with Personality": Position Papers, July 2005, pp. 209-214
"What should the October Synod discuss?" (Homiletic and Pastoral Review, September 2014)
"Further thoughts on the Synod" (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, July 2015)
"The Quest for Feminine Identity": Faith (2010) (42-1:12-15/42-2:20-22)
"Feminism v. Femininity: the Threat to Woman's Identity": New Oxford Review, October, 2013
"Woman and the Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude": Faith, Jan-Feb, 2013
"Woman and the Cardinal Virtue of Justice" Faith, March–April, 2013
"Woman and the Cardinal Virtue of Prudence": Faith, July-August, 2013
"Woman and the Cardinal Virtue of Temperance": Faith, Nov-Dec, 2013
"Christian optimism and God's logic" Homiletic and Pastoral Review: May 2010, pp. 26-41
"Brave New Ireland" (Position Papers, October 2015, pp. 11ss)
"Matrimonial indissolubility and the rights of persons": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, April 1988, pp. 27-52
"Marriage: a personalist focus on indissolubility": Linacre Quarterly, vol. 61 (1994), pp. 48-56
"La Indisolubilidad Matrimonial y la Defensa de las Personas" Scripta Theologica 22 (1990) 145-155
"La Indisolubilidad como expresión del verdadero amor conyugal" Revista Española de Teología 55 (1995), pp. 237-250
"Amore coniugale e Indissolubilità" Studi Cattolici, 412 (1995), pp. 340-345
"Amor Conyugal e Indisolubilidad" Humanitas, 2 (1996), pp. 209-216 (Pont. Univ. Católica de Chile)
"Indissolubilità del Matrimonio e Difesa della Persona" Studi Cattolici, 325 (1988), pp. 183-187
"The Freedom and Responsibility of the Laity": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, July 1993, 19-27
"The pastoral character of Church law": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March, 1988
"Renewal and Personalism in Canon Law": Forum 7 (1996) 327-340
"The pastoral function of Church law": Philippina Sacra, 1997
"La índole pastoral de la leyes de la Iglesia", Scripta Theologica, vol. 19 (1987), pp. 883-891
"La natura pastorale delle leggi ecclesiastiche", Studi Cattolici (n. 324), febb. 1988, pp. 83-87
"Law, conscience and the jurist": Position Papers, Ireland, no. 256, April 1995, pp. 111-116
"The Medicinal Power of Justice" in Legal Ethics and Jurisprudence in Nation Building eds. Franceschi-Ritho, pp. 48-58 (LawAfrica Publishing, Nairobi 2005
Marriage: canonical
"Justice and Transparency in Matrimonial Decisions" Angelicum (Rome), vol. 89 (2012), pp. 223-243
"Análisis del matrimonio: sintesis personalista institucional" Revista Española de Derecho Canónico, 54 (1997) 211-218
"The Essential Obligations of Matrimony": Studia canonica 26 (1992), 379-399
"El amor conyugal: ¿nuevas perspectivas jurídicas?": Revista Española de Derecho Canónico, 53 (1996) 695-704
"The Object of the Marital Self-Gift as presented in c. 1057, § 2": Studia canonica 31 (1997), 403-421
"The Object of Matrimonial Consent: a Personalist Analysis": Forum 9 (1998)1: pp. 39-117
"El objeto de la donación conyugal de sí": Anuario Argentino de Derecho Canónico, 3 (1996) 247-262
"The effect of fraud, condition and error in marital consent; some personalist considerations" Monitor Ecclesiasticus 122 (1997), pp. 295-310; 513-519
"Married Personalism and the «Good of the Spouses»": Angelicum 75 (1998), pp. 255-269
"The Sacramentality of Marriage: canonical reflections": Monitor Ecclesiasticus 119 (1994), pp. 545-565
"La sacramentalità del matrimonio: riflessioni canoniche", in AA.VV. Sacramentalità e Validità del Matrimonio, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1995, pp. 139-156
"La sacramentalidad del matrimonio: reflexiones canónicas": Ius Canonicum, 35 (1994), pp. 167-188
"A sacramentalidade do Matrimónio - Reflexões canónicas": Direito e Pastoral Ano VIII (1994), n̊ 30, pp. 3-23
"A sacramentalidade do Matrimónio - Reflexões teológicas": Celebração Litúrgica (1995/96), 1, 297-303
"Progressive Jurisprudential Thinking": The Jurist 58 (1998:2). pp. 437-478
Marriage: pastoral
"The Vocation of Marriage": Faith, vol. 43-4 (2011), pp. 6-9
"Marital and Family Commitment - a personalist view": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, June 1994
"Marriage: Commitment or Experiment?": Linacre Quarterly, vol. 63 (1996), pp. 44-52
"Autorealizzazione e Dono di Sé, nel Matrimonio e nella Famiglia" Studi Cattolici, febb., 1997, pp. 84-90
Marriage: theological
"St. Augustine: a View on Marriage and Sexuality in today's World": Angelicum 89 (2012), pp. 377-403
"A Postscript to the Remedium Concupiscentiae", The Thomist 70 (2006) 481-536
"San Agustín, Matrimonio y Sexualidad", en El pensamiento de San Agustín para el hombre de hoy, Valencia 2010 (Tomo III, 601-649)
"Il Remedium Concupiscentiae nella Teologia del Matrimonio: profilo storico-critico", Annales Theologici 21 (2007): 299-340
"Una Posdata al Remedium Concupiscentiae", Mayéutica 33 (2007) 309-353
"Marriage in Crisis": Osservatore Romano (Engl. Ed.), Sept. 23, 1976
"Marriage: a personalist or an institutional understanding?": Communio 19 (1992), 278-304
"St. Augustine and Conjugal Sexuality": Communio 1990-IV, 545-565
"The sacramentality of marriage: theological reflections": Annales Theologici 7 (1993), 47-69
"Marriage as a Sacrament of Sanctification": Annales Theologici 9 (1995), 71-87
"El Matrimonio como Sacramento de Santificación" (Mayéutica 33 (2007), 25-38)
"I Fini del Matrimonio: visione istituzionale o personalistica?": Annales Theologici 6 (1992), 227-254
"El Matrimonio: ¿Comprensión Personalista o Institucional?": Scripta Theologica 24 (1992), 569-594
"Die Zwecke der Ehe: Institutionelle oder personalistische Sicht?": Monitor Ecclesiasticus 120 (1995), pp. 449-478
"San Agustín y la sexualidad conyugal": Augustinus 35 (1990), 279-297
"Sant'Agostino e la Sessualità Coniugale" Annales Theologici 5 (1991) 185-206
"La sacramentalità del matrimonio: riflessioni teologiche" Apollinaris 66 (1993) 315-338
"La sacramentalidad del matrimonio. Reflexiones teológicas": Revista Española de Teología 53 (1993), pp. 43-67
"Reflexões Teológicas sobre a Sacramentalidade do Matrimónio" Theologica, 31 (1996), 147-164
"The Theology of the Body and Concupiscence": Faith (Mar–Apr, 2012)
"The Theology of the Body and the Healing of Concupiscence": Faith (July-Aug, 2012)
- in Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine (Our Sunday Visitor, 1997), some 20 entries on themes connected with marriage.
"General Absolutions: some pastoral considerations" Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1984, 24-31
"Inculturation: John Paul II and the Third World": East Asian Pastoral Review, 32 (1995), 277-290
"Is Penance on the Decline?": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, April 1984, 53-57
"The Pastoral Role of the Priest Today": Homiletic and Pastoral Review, May 1994, 29-51
"Pastors & Penance" Position Papers, no. 262: Oct 1995, 259-264
"'Every Abortion is a Tragedy': Barrack Obama", Position Papers, no. 474: Dec 2013, 25-28
"Personalism, Individualism, 'Communio'": Osservatore Romano (English Ed.), April 28, 1993
"Personalismo, Individualismo, «Communio»": Studi Cattolici 396 (feb. 1994), 85-90
"Renewal, Personalism and Law" (Monsignor W. Onclin Chair 1995 Lecture), Catholic University of Louvain, 1995.
"Personnalisme et jurisprudence matrimoniale" Revue de Droit Canonique, vol. 45 (1995) pp. 331-349
"Canon Law and Married Personalism" Can. Law Soc. of Austr. & NZ, 1996/2, 57-61
"Personalism and the Essential Obligations of Marriage": Angelicum 74 (1997), 81-94
Psychology, etc
"Psychiatry: A "Value-Free" Science?" The Linacre Quarterly, vol. 67 (2000), pp. 59-88
"Self-esteem: Why?; Why not?" Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Feb 2008, pp. 8-19
"The De-humanisation of Marital Sex" Faith, vol 43-1 (2011), pp. 11-15
"Sexual Identity in Marriage and Family Life": The Linacre Quarterly, vol. 61/3 (1994), pp. 75-86
"Sexualidad, humanidad y vida": Istmo, no. 229, Marzo-Abril, 1997, pp. 14-22
"Il ruolo umanizante della sessualità" Studi Cattolici 497 (2003), pp. 100-108
"Masculinity & Femininity: The Enchantment of Complementarity": Position Papers, no. 470 (2013), 22-27
Some 90 Rotal Sentences, published in Latin in the official yearly volume Rotae Romanae Decisiones of the Vatican Press (from 1987-1999). Many of these have also been translated to English, French or Spanish, in major canonical reviews.