Un principio personalista-institucional impregna la fe cristiana. La Segunda Persona de la Santísima Trinidad se hace carne; vive y muere - y resuscita - por nosotros. Vuelve al Cielo; pero deja atrás - instituye - una Iglesia, unos sacramentos, una doctrina, en los cuales El está presente, y a través de los cuales, cada uno de nosotros puede tomar contacto personal, vital y salvador con El.
As my title suggests, I propose to look at several aspects connected with the topic of annulments, none of which has to do directly with canonical procedures. But a prior word may not be out of place on two questions that I am at times asked. One is, if I am in favor or against annulments? Perhaps a somewhat naive question, since naturally I am in favor; very strongly so, when a proper judicial process shows that a declaration of nullity corresponds to the facts. Then one is dealing with a matter of justice, of the upholding of ecclesial rights.
Personalism and self-giving