31. Synod of Bishops

Synod of Bishops (OSV Encyc. 1997)
While Synods of Bishops have been frequent throughout the centuries, the Second Vatican Council wished to make them something regular in the life of the Church. Periodically (every two or three years), bishops from each country or region, chosen by their fellow-bishops of the area, meet together in a Synod, along with the Pope, so as to study some important topic of church life and concern (Family, Formation of Priests, Evangelization, Penance...). Each makes his contribution with the fullest freedom. After the Synod, the Pope usually publishes an Apostolic Exhortation, putting together the richness of ecclesial wisdom thus brought to light: cf. Familiaris Consortio (1981) on marriage and family life, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (1984) on the sacrament of Penance, Christifideles Laici (1988) on lay people, etc.
The Synod serves to strengthen the ecclesial bonds of the bishops both with the Pope and among each other. By means of the Synod they bring their experience to the central government of the Church, learn from the experience of other areas and dioceses, and can return to their own diocese with renewed wisdom, initiatives and evangelizing zeal.