
Marriage in Tough Times (The Melbourne Record. May 12, 2007)

A former judge of the Roman Rota has called for Catholics to play a bigger role in counter-acting divorce among friends and family members.

Monsignor Cormac Burke visited Australia this week to give lectures in Melbourne and Sydney. The theme of his Melbourne talk, delivered at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family, was the importance of commitment in marriage. In an interview with The Record, Mons Burke warned of some of the dangers confronting marriages in the modern world.

"Atomic" explosions in marriage
Among these is a common lack of understanding that every marriage will inevitably go through tough times, including anger against one's married spouse. "All of the successful marriages I've seen have gone through plenty of troubles," he said.

Marriage: Commitment or Experiment? (Linacre Quarterly, vol. 63 (1996), pp. 44-52)

Skepticism about binding commitments?

MARRIAGE: THE GOOD WINE (a wedding homily)

(Nazareth Journal, 1995/2, pp. 18-20)

     "You have kept the good wine until now".

     In these words the steward expressed his amazement to the bridegroom at Cana. And his amazement was redoubled when he found the bridegroom just as surprised as he was. The words should, of course, have been addressed to Jesus, who had just let himself be persuaded by Our Lady to work the first of his miracles.

The Goodness of the Bonum Prolis [given at the Princeton University Symposium on Humanae Vitae: August 7-12, 1988;

The Goodness of the Bonum Prolis [given at the Princeton University Symposium on Humanae Vitae: August 7-12, 1988; published in International Review, 12 (1988) XII, 181-192].

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