English, Marriage - Pastoral

Marriage: Commitment or Experiment? (Linacre Quarterly, vol. 63 (1996), pp. 44-52)

Skepticism about binding commitments?

MARRIAGE: THE GOOD WINE (a wedding homily)

(Nazareth Journal, 1995/2, pp. 18-20)

     "You have kept the good wine until now".

     In these words the steward expressed his amazement to the bridegroom at Cana. And his amazement was redoubled when he found the bridegroom just as surprised as he was. The words should, of course, have been addressed to Jesus, who had just let himself be persuaded by Our Lady to work the first of his miracles.

The Goodness of the Bonum Prolis [given at the Princeton University Symposium on Humanae Vitae: August 7-12, 1988;

The Goodness of the Bonum Prolis [given at the Princeton University Symposium on Humanae Vitae: August 7-12, 1988; published in International Review, 12 (1988) XII, 181-192].

I. Family planning and married fulfillment

(International Review, 13 (1989), 189-196)
Thirty years ago large families were a frequent and typically Catholic phenomenon. Today, in the developed world, they tend to be a rarity, also among Catholics. The swing to the small sized family began in the 60s, and has intensified ever since. Three main explanations would seem to stand out: the demographic scare, or the "populat­ion bomb"; the "I-generation", with its emphasis on self-fulfill­ment, especially through work; the consumer mentality as shown in a preference for material values.

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